

place= to place, place 放;地方

birthplace n. 诞生地,出生地

birth 出生 + place 放;地方 → 诞生地,出生地

displace v. 移位;顶替

dis 去掉 + place 放;地方 → 不放在那儿 → 移位

fireplace n. 壁炉

fire 火 + place 放;地方 → 壁炉

irreplaceable adj. 不能代替的

ir 不 + replaceable 可代替的 → 不能代替的

marketplace n. 市场

market 市场 + place 放;地方 → 市场

misplace v. 把…放错位置

mis 错 + place 放;地方 → 把…放错位置

placemat n. 餐具垫

place 放;地方 + mat 垫子 → 餐具垫

placement n. 放置

place 放;地方 + ment 表名词 → 放置

replace v. 复职;代替

re 重新 + place 放;地方 → 重新放 → 复职,引申为代替

replaceable adj. 可代替的

replace 复职;代替 + able 可…的 → 可代替的

workplace n. 车间

work 工作 + place 放;地方 → 车间



The Misplace and Reorientation of the Judicial Explanation On the Reorientation of Chinese Procuratorial Function


Back then, in the for ¬ ties, we believed we were already forsaken, destined to fall down, drop things, forget, and misplace our minds.


The so-called institutional risk refers to the bank risk that is caused by misplace of the functions of our government, state-owned enterprise and banks.


They can't hold jobs, and, because they are so disorganized, they pay their bills late, if at all, lose track of appointments and misplace their kids'school permission slips.


A: You know how things get piled up my desk when I am busy. I know that sometimes I do misplace things, but I always read all the memos that___ ③___.


Somehow the suitcase with my clothes was misplaced.
