

numer= number, to count 数;计数

enumerate v. 列举

e 加强 + numer 数;计数 + ate 做,造成,使… → 用数表示 → 列举

innumerable adj. 数不清的

in 不 + numer 数;计数 + able 能…的 → 不能计数的 → 数不清的

numerable adj. 可数的;可计算的

numer 数;计数 + able 可…的,能…的;具有…性质的 → 可数的

numeracy n. 识数;计算能力

numer 数;计数 + acy 表状态 → 识数

numerology n. 命理学

numer 数;计数 + ology …学 → 以数字〔如出生年月〕来推断人命运的学科 → 命理学

numerous adj. 为数众多的

numer 数;计数 + ous …的 → 为数众多的

supernumerary adj. 额外的

super 过多 + numer 数;计数 + ary …的 → 数量上过多的 → 额外的



When examined in the light of ideas raised in "The consciousness Revolution", written by the American systems scholar Ervin Laszlo, it can be seen that research into Chinese numerology is of benefit in raising the consciousness of man and promoting a global change in culture.


In Chinese numerology, the number eight, which is pronounced similarly to the word for "fortune", is the most auspicious of digits.


The validity of such numerology is an open question.


Even Decoz concedes that numerology probably isn't the real reason why some couples are picking the wedding date.


The "Lucky Lion" is attractively presented in a decorative folder capturing the significance of Chinese numerology and is encased in a protective, clear, acid-free polymer sleeve.


The number eighty-eight is very lucky in Chinese numerology.
