

point, punct, pung= point, to make sharp 点;变尖

acupuncture n. 针灸

acu 尖 + punct 点;变尖 + ure 表行为 → 用针尖点 → 针灸

appoint v. 指派

ap 加强 + point 点;变尖 → 将尖点对准某人 → 指派

compunction n. 悔恨

com 共同 + punct 点;变尖 + ion 表名词 → 浑身像针刺一样难受 → 悔恨

disappoint v. 使失望;受挫折

dis 不 + appoint 指派 → 不〔被〕指派 → 使失望

pointer n. 指针;指示者

point 点;变尖 + er 表人或物 → 尖的东西 → 指针

punch v. 打洞


punctilious adj. 谨小慎微的

punct 点;变尖 + il 加强 + ious …的 →〔做事〕点滴不漏 → 谨小慎微的

punctual adj. 准时的

punct 点;变尖 + ual 有…性质的 → 卡在点上 → 准时的

punctuality n. 守时

punctual 准时的 + ity 具备某种性质,状况 → 守时

punctuate v. 加标点

punct 点;变尖 + uate → 加上点 → 加标点

puncture v. 穿孔;刺穿

punct 点;变尖 + ure 表行为 → 点〔进去〕→ 刺穿

pungent adj. 刺鼻的;尖锐的

pung 点;变尖 + ent 具有…性质的,关于…的 → 尖的 → 尖锐的



International standardization management, the advanced technique and punctilious working manner are the integral part of company's business responsibility and Minghe's business foundation.


Third, even if not all consumers are as punctilious in their purchases as they say they are, there are still small, often affluent, groups that care.


Karina Challons, head of specialist tax at HSBC Private Bank, believes the growing hostility to evasion will have an impact on her clients, even though they are punctilious about complying with tax laws.

汇丰私人银行(hsbc private bank)专业税务负责人卡里娜夏龙(karina challons)认为,随着各国对逃税行为敌意日隆,此举将对她的客户产生影响,即便他们一丝不苟地遵守税法。

Was worryingly meticulous about trivial details; punctilious in his attention to rules of etiquette.


She displayed a punctilious lack of curiosity about such things.


He was punctilious about being ready and waiting in the entrance hall exactly on time
