

rap(t), rav= to seize, to snatch 捕, 夺

enrapture v. 使狂喜

en 使… + rapture 狂喜 → 使狂喜

rapacious adj. 抢夺的

rap 捕,夺 + acious 有…性质的 → 抢夺的

rape v. 洗劫;强奸

rap 捕,夺 + e → 洗劫;强奸

rapine n. 抢夺

rap 捕,夺 + ine 表抽象名词 → 抢夺

rapt adj. 着迷的(魂被夺走 → 着迷的)

raptor n. 猛禽

rapt 捕,夺 + or 表动物 → 善于掠夺的动物 → 猛禽

rapture n. 狂喜

rapt 捕,夺 + ure 表行为 → 捕获梦想 → 狂喜

ravage v./n. 破坏

rav 捕,夺 + age 表行为或行为的结果 → 你争我夺 → 破坏

raven v. 捕食;狼吞虎咽

rav 捕,夺 + en 使… → 捕获食物 → 捕食

ravenous adj. 贪婪的;饿极的

raven 捕食;狼吞虎咽 + ous …的 → 不断捕食的 → 贪婪的;饿极的

ravish v. 抢夺

rav 捕,夺 + ish 使… → 抢夺



The cyber crime is not ravage only in the western developed countries, but also flood in our country, which causes tremendous losses all over the world.


The expansion of the Japanese modern sea power made a great significant influence to the international pattern, making surrounding neighbors suffered serious ravage.


Genesis warns that after seven years of plenty, seven years of famine will come  .  .  .   and the famine will ravage the land.


Tiger's fury damage should now scale properly when used with shred and ravage.


Growing seasons in temperate regions will expand, while droughts are likely to ravage further the semiarid regions of Africa and southern asia.


Improved Ravage – Removed and replaced by the new talent Fury of the Wild.
