at full fling

1. 以全速

You'll find yourself in trouble if you always drive your car at full fling.

如果你老是这么把车速开到最高档, 你会惹出麻烦来的。

have a fling at

1. 尝试

The young man had a fling at boxing.


2. 嘲讽

The excited fans had a fling at the lost team.


have one's fling

1. 恣意行乐

Let him have his fling now while he is young.


习惯用语at one fling1.一鼓作气地; 一下子, 一举have a fling at sb.1.讥讽某人have a fling at sth.1.试图做某事have one's fling1.放荡, 纵情行乐in full fling1.莽撞地; 在高潮中indulge in a fling at1.嘲笑[挖苦] (某人)take a fling at1.攻击, 嘲笑2.试图做(某事)take the fling1.不受约束2.情绪不定, 忽冷忽热; 脾气变坏fling about1.跳来跳去; 抛散fling aside1.抛弃, 丢掉; 愤然离去fling away1.抛弃, 丢掉; 愤然离去fling into1.突然冲进2.投入, 急速派遣fling off1.甩掉; 挫败; 气冲冲地突然跑开fling oneself about1.手舞足蹈; 发怒而暴跳fling oneself out1.手舞足蹈; 发怒而暴跳fling oneself into1.毅然投身于; 奋力从事fling oneself upon1.毅然投身于; 奋力从事fling out1.用力抛出; 出言不逊fling over1.[俚]舍弃, 不再保护[赞助]fling up1.舍弃, 抛弃