

solv, solu, solut= to loosen 松开

absolution n. 赦免

ab 离去 + solut 松开 + ion 表名词 → 松绑并让离去 → 赦免

absolve v. 免罪

ab 加强 + solv 松开 + e → 完全松开 → 免罪

dissolute adj. 放荡的;荒淫的

dis 加强 + solut 松开 + e → 放松不管 → 放荡的

dissolution n. 分解

dis 加强 + solut 松开 + ion 表名词 → 松开 → 分解

dissolve v. 溶解;分解

dis 加强 + solv 松开 + e → 使〔固体〕分散松开 → 溶解

resolute adj. 坚决的

re 不 + solut 松开 + e → 决不松开 → 坚决的

resolution n. 决心;溶解

re 不 + solut 松开 + ion 表名词 → 决心;溶解

resolve v. 解决(困难)

re 重新 + solve 解决 → 重新松解〔困难〕→ 解决

soluble adj. 可溶的

solu 松开 + ble〔= ible〕可…的 → 能松解的 → 可溶的

solution n. 溶解;解决

solu 松开 + tion 表名词 → 溶解;解决

solve v. 解决

solv 松开 + e →〔乱麻〕松开 → 解决

solvable adj. 可以解决的

solv 松开 + able 可…的 →〔乱麻〕松开 → 可以解决的

solvent adj. 有溶解力的;有还债能力的

solv 松开 + ent 能分解固体的;能松解〔债主压力〕的 → 有溶解力的;有还债能力的

solvency n. 溶解力;还债能力

solv 松开 + ency 表行为 → 溶解力;还债能力



Your Eminence, I am a Christian man, and have never yet been refused absolution.


This sinner has confessed her sins and begged for absolution and forgiveness.


Regarding the form of the sacrament, both the Council of Florence and the Council of Trent teach that it consists in the words of absolution.


This article probes into the consistence of recycle economy with China's traditional philosophical values, and points out that recycle economy is not only an absolution of the mode of thinking of modern western philosophy but also conforms to Marxist view on the relationship between man and nature.


Therefore, what design and construction layout of the hardware system in this system has incarnated the characteristic, that it is a organic combine and also is with relative absolution between the power dispatch data web and power dispatch centre-control integrative system.


However, I cannot wholeheartedly give you the absolution you seem to be seeking.
