

flam, flagr= to burn, blaze 燃烧;火焰

conflagrant adj. 大火的

con 加强 + flagr 燃烧;火焰 + ant …的 → 全部着火 → 大火的

conflagration n. 大火灾;战争爆发

con 加强 + flagr 燃烧;火焰 + ation 行为,过程,状态,结果 → 大火灾;战争爆发

deflagrate v. 使迅速燃烧

de 加强 + flagr 燃烧;火焰 + ate 使… → 使迅速燃烧

flagrant adj. 罪恶昭彰的;燃烧的

flagr 燃烧;火焰 + ant …的,具有…性质的 → 罪恶昭彰的;燃烧的

flame n. 火焰

flam 燃烧;火焰 + e → 火焰

flaming adj. 燃烧的;热烈的

flam 燃烧;火焰 + ing 正…的 → 燃烧的;热烈的

flamingo n. 火烈鸟

flam 燃烧;火焰 + ing 正…的 + o 表名词 → 火〔烈鸟〕

flammable adj. 易燃的

flamm〔= flam〕燃烧;火焰 + able 能…的 → 易燃的

inflame v. 燃烧;发怒

in 使… + flam 燃烧;火焰 + e → 燃烧;发怒

inflammable adj. 易燃的;易激动的

in 使… + flammable 易燃的 → 易燃的;易激动的

inflammatory adj. 煽动性的

in 使… + flamm〔= flam〕燃烧;火焰 + atory 有…性质的 → 煽风点火的 → 煽动性的

nonflammable adj. 不易燃烧的

non 不 + flammable 易燃的 → 不易燃烧的



Many people were burnt alive in the conflagration that happened in a multi-storeyed building.


Towards evening the conflagration was got under.


It is just these intense conflicts and their conflagration which are needed to produce valuable and lasting results.


It should be used as the detector of choice in areas of high risk with heat at an early stage of the conflagration and with increased likelihood of unwanted alarms.


Cool heads and a sense of proportion can yet stop a global trade conflagration catching hold.


The focal point to bound the conception of public security disaster accident is that whether or not it includes conflagration, explosion, and poison which are made by criminals on purpose.
