

heir, hered= succession 继承

heir n. 继承人

heiress n. 女继承人

heir 继承 + ess 表女性 → 女继承人

heirship n. 继承权

heir 继承 + ship 表资格 → 继承权

hereditable adj. 可继承的,可遗传的

heredit〔= hered〕继承 + able 可…的 → 可继承的,可遗传的

hereditary adj. 世袭的,遗传的

heredit〔= hered〕继承 + ary …的 → 世袭的,遗传的

-ess 表名词,“女性,雌性”

actress n. 女演员

actor 演员 + ess 女性,雌性 → 女演员

goddess n. 女神

god 神 + ess 女性,雌性 → 女神

heiress n. 女继承人

heir 继承人 + ess 女性,雌性 → 女继承人

hostess n. 女主人

host 主人 + ess 女性,雌性 → 女主人

manageress n. 女经理,女管理者

manager 经理 + ess 女性,雌性 → 女经理,女管理者

mayoress n. 市长夫人;女市长

mayor 市长 + ess 女性,雌性 → 市长夫人;女市长

murderess n. 女凶手

murder 谋杀 + ess 女性,雌性 → 女凶手

poetess n. 女诗人

poet 诗人 + ess 女性,雌性 → 女诗人

sculptress n. 女雕刻家

sculpt 雕刻 + ess 女性,雌性 → 女雕刻家

waitress n. 女服务员

waiter 服务员 + ess 女性,雌性 → 女服务员



Bruni was born in Italy and is the heiress to a tyre manufacturing fortune.


Ranking number two is Charlene de Carvalho, the Heinken beer heiress with$ 6.8 billion.


She has one only daughter, the heiress of Rosings, and of very extensive property.


PETA says the heiress ditched her mink coats, fox collars and chinchilla trim after watching a video expose of the fur trade.


She was beautiful and intelligent and heiress to one of the worlds richest companies and she had had more than a dozen of serious proposals of marriage.


From the start, doubts surrounded her claim to be the missing heiress.
