

mort= death 死

amortize v. 分期偿还

a 加强 + mort 死 + ize 使… → 使结束〔贷款〕→ 分期偿还

immortal adj. 不朽的

im 不 + mortal 死 → 不朽的

immortalize v. 使不朽

im 不 + mortal 死 + ize 使 → 使不朽

morbid adj. 致病的;恐怖的

morb〔= mort〕死 + id 有…性质的 → 能带来死亡的 → 致病的;恐怖的

moribund adj. 垂死的,将死的

mori 死 + bund〔= bound 边界〕→ 在死的边界徘徊 → 垂死的

mortal adj. 死的,致命的

mort 死 + al …的 → 死的,致命的

mortality n. 死亡(率)

mort 死 + ality 表状态 → 死亡(率)

mortify v. 使受辱;使羞愧

mort 死 + ify 使 → 使人想死 → 使受辱

mortuary n. 停尸室

mortu〔= mort〕死 + ary 场地 → 放死尸的地方 → 停尸室

postmortem adj. 死后的

post 后 + mort 死 + em → 死后的



To help spur lending, resuscitate America's moribund housing sector, and boost the economy as a whole, the Federal Reserve has aggressively cut interest rates during the past year.


This often-painful economic shock therapy breathed life into moribund economies and produced dramatic improvements in services such as telephones, transportation, electricity and water.


As they attempted to get over the crisis and kickstart moribund economies, governments in the region embarked on an ambitious privatisation programme that opened up a number of new opportunities and markets for investment bankers.


The British music scene is nostalgic, decrepit and moribund.


Greater equity, after addressing the shortage of Bank net worth, will support more bank lending than currently available, enhance the market value of collateral ( debt as well as equity), and could reopen moribund debt markets.


Imperialism is monopolistic, parasitic and moribund capitalism.
