

spir= to breathe 呼吸

aspire v. 热望;立志

a 加强 + spir 呼吸 + e → 看到渴望的东西就呼吸急促 → 热望

aspiration n. 热望

a 加强 + spir 呼吸 + ation,aspire 的名词 → 热望

conspire v. 同谋

con 共同 + spir 呼吸 + e → 同呼吸,共存亡 → 同谋

conspiracy n. 共谋;反叛

con 共同 + spir 呼吸 + acy 表状态,conspire的名词 → 共谋;反叛

dispirit v. 使沮丧

dis 没有 + pirit〔= spirit 精神〕→ 使沮丧

expire v. 断气;期满

ex 除去 + pir〔=spir〕呼吸 + e → 没有呼吸 → 断气,注意:ex后接s开头的词根缩写成ex

expiration n. 断气;期满

ex 除去 + pir〔=spir〕呼吸 + ation,expire 的名词 → 断气;期满

inspire v. 吸气

in 使… + spir 呼吸 + e → 使呼吸 → 吸气

inspiration n. 吸气;灵感

in 使… + spir 呼吸 + ation 行为,过程,状态,结果 → 吸入灵气 → 找到灵感 → 灵感

perspire v. 出汗

per 贯穿 + spir 呼吸 + e → 全身呼吸 → 出汗

perspiration n. 出汗

per 贯穿 + spir 呼吸 + ation,perspire 的名词 → 出汗

respiration n. 呼吸


respire v. 呼吸;恢复精神

re 重复 + spir 呼吸 + e → 呼吸;恢复精神

spirit n. 精神;情绪

spir 呼吸 + it → 深呼吸 → 精神

spiritual adj. 精神上的;宗教的

spirit 精神;情绪 + ual 有…性质的 → 精神上的;宗教的

transpire v. 泄露

tran〔s〕转移 + spir 呼吸 + e → 通过呼吸转移 → 泄露



No one is willing to predict what may transpire at the peace conferece.


The third realm of ceramic arts is to make the subject itself transpire the potential cultural connotation, by painting realistically.


Reconstruct personal system of income tax is a key to build taxpayer's account of income tax, to establish declared taxation system by people-selves, to make withholding open and transpire.


It may yet transpire that ministers knew more than they are admitting.


And on a couple of occasions, we leased a piece of equipment expecting a certain opportunity to take place, and it didn't transpire.


In any event, the government may have a hard time tracking such loans, which often transpire through a handshake between two individuals.
